Annual Parliamentary hearing at the United Nations to focus on global peace and security
Putting an end to conflicts: Prescriptions for a peaceful future, will be the theme of the 2024 Annual Parliamentary Hearing, a joint initiative between the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
IPU President Tulia Ackson and UNGA President Dennis Francis will host some 300 participants, including parliamentarians, Speakers of Parliament, advisers and experts, from more than 70 countries at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA, on 8 and 9 February 2024.
The theme of this joint IPU-UN hearing will align with the IPU’s primary focus in 2024 on peace and international security, which is also one of the priorities of the current presidency of the UN General Assembly. The hearing will also provide a parliamentary perspective on one of the key components of the Pact for the Future, the expected outcome document of the September 2024 UN Summit of the Future.
The hearing is further inspired by the IPU resolution Rethinking and reframing the approach to peace processes with a view to fostering lasting peace, adopted at the 144th IPU Assembly in March 2022 as well as the follow up to the United Nations’ Our Common Agenda report, including one of the UN Secretary-General’s policy briefs on the proposal for a New Agenda for Peace.
With more than 50 conflicts raging around the world, and the risks of conflict growing further, the New Agenda for Peace places itself within a shifting geopolitical landscape in which long-standing grievances are being compounded by new sources of tensions and new tools of warfare.
Founded in 1889 as part of the peace movement, the IPU today counts 180 Member Parliaments and 15 Associate Members around the world. It promotes peace, democracy and sustainable development, and provides a space for parliamentary dialogue, as a complement to efforts by the UN and other multilateral forums.
Practical information
The meeting will take place in the Economic and Social Council Chamber, in the UN Secretariat Building, accessible through the gate at 1st Avenue and 45th Street.
Accredited media are welcome.
The hearing will be streamed on www.ipu.org and webtv.un.org