APPGs and the BGIPU

The BGIPU supports and promotes the activities of All-Party Parliamentary Groups interested in IPU member countries,  BGIPU and APPGs share a common interest in fostering good relations and BGIPU can provide some limited funding support for the Westminster-based hospitality for country-focused APPGs and can assist in facilitating contacts and exchanges.

In addition to a small amount of financial assistance, the BGIPU is also keen to engage with the members and coordinators of APPGs in order to assist in advancing the joint aims of the BGIPU and APPGs and encourage discussions more broadly on international relations in Westminster.

Cooperation and partnership between APPGs and the BGIPU can take place in the following ways:

IPU Room Bookings

  • APPGs can book the IPU Room, Off Westminster Hall for their meetings and events. To book the IPU room please email us and we’ll send you the form and instructions.


  • APPGs may apply to the BGIPU Secretariat for financial assistance to facilitate inward parliamentary exchanges with their countries. Financial assistance cannot be assured without prior approval. Please contact the BGIPU Secretariat to apply for assistance.

 Days in Parliament

  • Subject to staff availability and sufficient notice, the BGIPU Secretariat can arrange a short programme of a tour, discussions and meetings in Parliament, which could include a lunch or reception, for groups of parliamentarians visiting as guests of country-focused APPGs.

APPG reports

  • Promote the work of your APPG by including reports on your activities on the BGIPU website, Newsletter or Annual Report.


  • APPGs planning visits to their countries are encouraged to inform the BGIPU Secretariat. This will enable the Secretariat to provide details of IPU contacts that might assist with the visit and help avoid clashes with the IPU programme.

Thematic Events in Westminster

  • If an APPG is interested in holding thematic talks or lectures please contact the BGIPU Secretariat to see whether we may be able to cooperate in such events.