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Lords Chamber Event debates international relations

The 2017 House of Lords Chamber Event took place on 1 December 2017. The event involved young people from around the UK as well as members of civic organisations, including the English-Speaking Union, coming together for an intergenerational debate on international relations in the 21st Century.  BGIPU was pleased to support the House of Lords in arranging this important annual event and live tweeted at the event on the hashtag #IR21C

The topic for 2017 was: What are the challenges for international relations in the 21st Century?’

Participants argued in favour of one of three motions, each taking a particular angle on the debate:

1.The UK should aim to work closely with the Commonwealth, European countries, the EU and global partners to achieve common regional aims.

2.The UK should aim to be a global leader.

3.The UK should keep the affairs of other countries at a distance and focus on its own problems.

The debate concluded with strong support for the UK continuing to engage with its international partners through regular dialogue and cooperation to achieve a better world for all.

The House of Lords opens up the chamber every year, inviting people from across the UK to take part in a debating event. This year’s debate is the latest event in a broad outreach programme that aims to raise awareness of the role and work of the Lords.  Read more about past Lords Chamber Events on the House of Lords website.