New UN General Assembly resolution reinforces cooperation with IPU
A new resolution on the interaction between the United Nations, parliaments and the IPU was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 21 June 2022. The resolution reaffirms the commitment of the UN and the IPU to deepen the engagement of parliaments in key multilateral processes for peace, democracy, and sustainable development..
This is the latest in a long series of resolutions which underpin cooperation between parliaments and the UN. The resolutions provide the UN system and the IPU with a framework to include a parliamentary component in major UN processes at the political and operational levels. The idea is to ensure that parliamentarians, and the people they represent, are better prepared to oversee what governments say at the United Nations. This in turn helps to strengthen the role of parliaments in international negotiations.
The 2022 resolution underlines the need for the UN to take into account the views of parliamentarians by, for example, including them in UN high-level advisory groups and mediation teams. Specific areas of cooperation highlighted in the resolution include taking strong action against climate change, encouraging youth participation, promoting gender-sensitive legislation, and investing more in science and technology in the implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda. The resolution also introduces new language on counter-terrorism initiatives and cooperation between the IPU and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Find out more about cooperation between the IPU and the United Nations here.