Month: May 2017


IPU mobilizes parliaments in support of global health agenda

As part of its work on health and development, the IPU participated in the World Health Assembly (WHA) with the IPU Secretary General addressing the WHA plenary debate on 24 May on the contribution of MPs to the global health agenda and their key role in achieving the health-related SDGs.  Additionally, on 29 May, the IPU organized a parliamentary side event at the WHA, “Bridging the Gap between Evidence and Policy: The Role of Parliamentarians in Advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. 


Engaging parliamentary staff in the work of the IPU

The IPU held an information seminar for senior parliamentary staff from 16 to 19 May at the IPU headquarters in Geneva to provide more in-depth understanding of ther IPU, its functioning and main activities.  Parliamentary staff from a total of 27 countries attended including from the UK with sessions on the IPU’s history and key developments, the Organization’s main bodies and areas of work, the communications strategy and budget.


Study on climate change legislation and litigation launched

A study entitled “Global trends in climate change legislation and litigation” launched on 9 May during the Conference on Climate Change in Bonn finds countries across the globe have adopted more than 1,200 laws to limit climate change—an impressive rise from only 60 laws two decades ago. Courts are complementing the actions of legislators through rulings on the implementation of existing climate laws, and two-thirds of their rulings have either strengthened or maintained climate change regulation.