Year: 2025

United Nations Trustee Council Chamber ©kaspersalto

IPU Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations to focus on the SDGs

Scaling up action for the Sustainable Development Goals: Finance, Institutions, and Politics, will be the theme of the 2025 Parliamentary Hearing, a joint initiative of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). IPU President Tulia Ackson and UNGA President Philemon Yang will host some 300 participants, including parliamentarians, Speakers of Parliament, […]

New IPU toolkit to empower parliaments to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals

The IPU has published a new toolkit to encourage parliaments and policymakers worldwide to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their functions and legislative efforts in a comprehensive manner. The toolkit, SDG-informed legislative scrutiny, helps parliaments to translate the SDGs into national laws, to hold governments accountable for the implementation of the goals and to align budgets with […]

Deir al-Balah in Gaza on 16 January 2025 ©Eyad Baba / AFP

IPU leadership issues statement welcoming the Gaza ceasefire deal

On behalf of the global parliamentary community, we welcome the announcement of a deal to secure a ceasefire and the release of hostages in Gaza. This is a significant breakthrough towards ending the bloodshed and relieving suffering on both sides. We urge all parties to fully commit to implementing this deal for the benefit of […]