Region: Global Issues

The IPU will celebrate its 135th anniversary on 30 June as the world's oldest multilateral political body.

IPU Anniversary on 30 June: Watch 135 years of the IPU in 135 seconds

On 30 June 1889, visionary parliamentarians Frédéric Passy of France and William Randall Cremer of the United Kingdom brought together MPs from Belgium, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Liberia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the USA in the first inter-parliamentary meeting in Paris, France. The Inter-Parliamentary Conference, later to become the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) was born. […]

Speaker of the Azgayin Zhogov (National Assembly of Armenia), Mr. Alen Simonyan, and the Speaker of the Milli Mejlis (National Assembly of Azerbaijan), Ms. Sahiba Gafarova meet at IPU HQ on 16 May 2024

IPU hosts 2nd round of bilateral talks between Speakers of Armenia and Azerbaijan

The IPU facilitated a second round of high-level parliamentary talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan today, offering its good offices to the delegations. IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong welcomed the Speaker of the Azgayin Zhogov (National Assembly of Armenia), Mr. Alen Simonyan, and the Speaker of the Milli Mejlis (National Assembly of Azerbaijan), Ms. Sahiba Gafarova, […]

Drones are displayed on the back of military vehicles. MOHAMMED HUWAIS / AFP

Autonomous weapons: IPU adds parliamentary weight to pressure for regulation

Earlier this year, the IPU addressed the urgent issue of international regulation for autonomous weapon systems (AWS) and artificial intelligence (AI), which could have deadly implications for political stability and human rights. Indeed, these emerging technologies have already been used on battlefields around the world including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Gaza and Ukraine. In some ways, AWS […]

Akmal Saidov, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uzbekistan addresses the UN in Geneva. © UN/Jean Marc Ferré

Enhancing the IPU partnership with the Uzbek Parliament to implement the SDGs

As part of a wider strategic objective to connect parliaments with UN processes, the IPU invests in support for parliamentary implementation of the SDGs. Through our annual survey, we encourage parliaments to contribute to the preparation of voluntary national reviews, the UN process through which countries present their progress on the SDGs. While the IPU surveys show uneven parliamentary […]

© korkeng/Shutterstock

IPU highlights the AI-powered parliament: Exploring Risks and Opportunities

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has released a new Issue brief, Using generative AI in parliaments, which explores the potential opportunities and risks associated with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in parliamentary settings. GenAI is a new form of AI that can generate entirely new content, such as texts or images, based on large volumes […]

Which countries, sectors and facilities emit the most greenhouse gases the

IPU provides guidance to MPs on how to track greenhouse gas emissions in your country

Discover how the global tech community is tracking greenhouse gas emissions with unprecedented detail and speed to tackle the climate crisis. The Climate TRACE database, mobilized by the global tech community, provides an inventory of emissions of more than 352 million assets, and its data is freely available to the public including parliamentarians. Supported by ASU […]

Anti FGM protesters outside the National Assembly in Banjul on 18 March 2024 © MUHAMADOU BITTAYE / AFP

Statement on Repeal of law banning female genital mutilation in The Gambia

Helen Clark, PMNCH Board Chair; Joy Phumaphi and Githinji Gitahi, Co-Chairs, PMNCH Advocacy and Partner Engagement Committee; Flavia Bustreo, Chair, PMNCH Governance and Ethics Committee; Martin Chungong, Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union. As the world’s leading alliance committed to the health and well-being of women, children and adolescents, including the most vulnerable, the Partnership for Maternal, […]

The two youngest MPs at the 148th IPU Assembly - Emma Muteka from Namibia and Akara Tongjaisod from Thailand reading the final Assembly declaration.

The 148th IPU Assembly concludes meeting in Geneva with a pledge for peace

Hundreds of parliamentarians from over 140 countries, gathered at the 148th IPU Assembly from 23-27 March 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, have reconfirmed their commitment to parliamentary diplomacy to support peace efforts, and to reinvigorate multilateralism through parliamentary action. In their final declaration, Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding, the lawmakers recognize the importance of “inter‑parliamentary dialogue and cooperation, and the […]

A woman teaches children in a makeshift classroom in Gaza MOHAMMED ABED / AFP

President and Secretary General issue IPU leadership call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

IPU Leadership Statement at the 148th IPU Assembly.  In view of the worsening situation in Gaza, we call for urgent action to alleviate the suffering of the people in the region, including women, children and the elderly, who have been caught up in the fighting. On behalf of the global parliamentary community, we call for […]

IPU President Tulia Ackson, SG Martin Chungong and WHO DG Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Working together for a healthier, safer world: WHO and IPU renew partnership

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the World Health Organization (WHO) today signed a new memorandum of understanding, reaffirming the critical role that parliamentarians play in enabling good health to foster stable and equitable societies. The new five-year memorandum was signed by Mr. Martin Chungong, IPU Secretary General, and Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, at the […]