Activities: BGIPU Seminars & Events

On 10 June, BGIPU hosted a virtual bilateral meeting between parliamentarians from the UK and Iceland. The meeting was chaired by Iceland APPG Chair, Angus MacNeil MP.

Strong interparliamentary ties between UK and Iceland reaffirmed in virtual meeting

On 10 June, BGIPU hosted a virtual bilateral meeting between parliamentarians from the UK and Iceland. The meeting was chaired by Iceland APPG Chair, Angus MacNeil MP. He was joined by Lord Campbell Savours, Baroness Hooper, Martin Vickers MP, and James Gray MP. The Icelandic delegation was led by the Chair of the Foreign Affairs […]

On 8 June 2021, BGIPU hosted a virtual COP26 Latin America Meeting. It gathered Members of Parliament from eleven Latin American parliaments to share details of how they are legislating and scrutinising governments to enhance climate commitments in preparation for November’s COP26 Summit.

Meeting on COP26 with MPs from Latin America highlights urgency for action

On 8 June 2021, BGIPU hosted a virtual COP26 Latin America Meeting. It gathered Members of Parliament from eleven Latin American parliaments to share details of how they are legislating and scrutinising governments to enhance climate commitments in preparation for November’s COP26 Summit. BGIPU Treasurer and COP26 IPU Rapporteur, Alex Sobel MP chaired the meeting which […]

On 29 April, BGIPU hosted a virtual bilateral meeting between parliamentarians from the UK and Portugal was chaired by Portugal APPG Chair, Stephen Hammond MP,

Valuable exchange with counterparts from Britain’s oldest bilateral alliance partner

On 29 April, BGIPU hosted a virtual bilateral meeting between parliamentarians from the UK and Portugal. The meeting was chaired by Portugal APPG Chair, Stephen Hammond MP, who was joined by Lord Dubs, Baroness Hooper, the Duke of Wellington, Lord Rogan, Chris Elmore MP, Tony Lloyd MP, and Wendy Chamberlain MP. The Portuguese delegation was […]

On 29 April, BGIPU convened a bilateral meeting between UK and Finnish Parliamentarians. The discussion was led by Executive Committee Treasurer, Mr Alex Sobel MP and the Finnish side was led by the Chair of the Finnish IPU Group, Ms Heli Järvinen.

MPs/Peers share perspectives on climate, COVID-19 with their counterparts in Finland

On 29 April, BGIPU convened a bilateral meeting between UK and Finnish Parliamentarians. The discussion was led by Executive Committee Treasurer, Mr Alex Sobel MP, and he was joined by Mr Angus MacNeil MP, Ms Anne McLaughlin MP, Baroness Blower, Baroness Kidron, Baroness Ramsay, Mr Ben Spencer MP (Chair of the Finnish APPG), Mr Douglas […]

BGIPU pleased to confirm that Alex Sobel MP has been selected by its Executive Committee as its COP26 Rapporteur.

Alex Sobel MP selected as Rapporteur to advance IPU engagement in COP26

BGIPU is very pleased to confirm that Alex Sobel MP has been selected by its Executive Committee as its COP26 Rapporteur. Given the joint UK-Italy presidency, he will work closely with the IPU President, Duarte Pacheco, the IPU Secretariat and the Italian Parliament-appointed Rapporteur Alessia Rotta, Chair of the Environment, Territory and Public Works Standing […]