Region: Africa


Morocco Speaker visit underscores close relations with UK

BGIPU hosted a parliamentary delegation from Morocco from 26 to 30 January 2015. This high level delegation was led by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr Rachid Talbi Alami MP. The delegation highlighted the strength of the bilateral relationship with the UK and the key role that Morocco plays in the Maghreb region. They were concerned that the situation in Western Sahara posed difficulties related to illicit arms and drugs trafficking and UK counterparts expressed support for peaceful resolution of this issue.

Sudan delegation meets the Minister for Women

Sudan delegation highlights women’s role in politics and peace

BGIPU hosted an all-women parliamentary delegation from Sudan to Westminster from 23-27 June 2014. The visit was a key opportunity to engage with parliamentary counterparts from Sudan on developments in the country and to engage on specific gender issues relating to political empowerment and the role of women in peace efforts. The visit also provided an important opportunity to gain insights into human rights issues in Sudan with the delegation keen to present its perspectives on issues relating to religious freedom, women’s rights and justice issues.

APPG Members with Minister for Foreign Affairs of Djibouti

APPG Visit to Djibouti and Ethiopia

Chair of the APPG for Ethiopia and Djibouti, Mr Laurence Robertson MP, led a delegation of UK Parliamentarians including Stephen Hepburn MP and Baroness Hooper on a visit to both countries from 20-26 November 2013. The key objective of the visit was to further strengthen relations between the United Kingdom and Djibouti through meetings with senior government ministers, parliamentary counterparts and business and trade representatives as well as seeing examples of UK business investment in Ethiopia.

The Delegation discussing crop methods with farmers near Butajira

Reflections on Agricultural Development in Ethiopia

They are one of the few countries in Africa to implement the 2003 Maputo commitment to invest at least 10% of their GNI into agriculture.  They have consistently invested well in excess of 10% and there is no doubt about the Government commitment.  I also felt that the Minister of Agriculture’s plans were well intentioned in a country where not only do mountains and drought conspire against large scale production, but also where farm produce comes from a hugely diverse range of production zones and also is grown by distinctly diverse cultures and communities

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The African Union, Bilateral Engagement & Agricultural Development: Delegation to Ethiopia

The visit of the delegation to Ethiopia covered several interests and agendas and was envisaged as a coordinated effort between the BGIPU, the Africa APPG and the APPG on Agriculture and Food for Development.Therefore the three main aims of the visit were to; Deepen bilateral parliamentary relations, and establish greater understanding of the role of the AU in parliament, Explore the relationship between democracy and growth, both in the context of Ethiopia itself and through the African Union, Examine agricultural development in the country, in particular looking at examples of where investments and government policies in agriculture have had impacts on improved nutrition. 

Deputy Speaker of Somali House of People in discussion with Rt Hon Baroness D'Souza CMG, the Lord Speaker.jpg

Capacity Building programme with Members of the Somali House of People

The BGIPU hosted a visit of Somali Parliamentarians to the UK for a capacity building and parliamentary strengthening programme. The 5 Members of the House of People met with Members, senior officials and clerks to learn about the functioning and procedures of the Westminster system. The visit formed part of the support offered by HMG to the Somali government and Parliament in establishing and strengthening the Somali parliamentary institution, since its re-establishment in August 2012.

The APPG delegation with Members of the Rwanda Parliament on the step of the Parliament.jpg

APPG Great Lakes visit to DR Congo and Rwanda

Lord McConnell led a delegation of UK Parliamentarians comprising Heather Wheeler MP, Ian Lucas MP, and Mark Pritchard MP, to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda from the 24-29 May 2013, to examine and report on the ongoing conflict resolution processes and stabilisation initiatives for Eastern DRC and long-term reforms for DRC as a whole, as well as the human rights situation and state of democratisation in DRC and Rwanda.

The Delegation with Jackie Doyle Price MP and staff of Tilbury Power Station during a tour of the facility.JPG

MPs from Senegal urge greater UK engagement during visit to Westminster

A delegation from the National Assembly of the Republic of Senegal visited to the UK Parliament from 22-26 April 2013. At a time when international attention has been sharply focused on security challenges in West Africa, particularly Mali, Senegal’s positive example of stable parliamentary governance in the region was a key focus of discussions. In wide-ranging exchanges with UK counterparts, the delegation urged the UK to enhance its bilateral relations with Senegal and expand its engagement, more broadly, in West Africa.


BGIPU Charitable Events and Fundraising: Update on Funds raised by the BGIPU Quiz

In October last year the BGIPU held a Pub Quiz, as part of the BGIPU Week of events, hosted by Nigel Evans MP in the House of Commons. The event was well attended by Members and staff of both Houses and the BGIPU team were able to raise funds for the Good Samaritan School in Kampala, Uganda, whom BGIPU Staff and Nigel had visited in March 2012 during the 126th IPU Assembly.

A waste disposal project in Monrovia funded byt World Bank Infrastructure project.JPG

Visit to Liberia to meet the UN Secretary General’s “High-Level Panel” on Post-2015 Global Development Goals

On 30 January in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, Hugh Bayley MP joined senior parliamentary colleagues from Liberia, Bangladesh and Uganda in a roundtable discussion to convey to the post-2015 High Level Panel the IPU’s perspectives on the importance of democratic governance, particularly the role to be played by parliaments, in determining any future international development goals.