Region: Europe

Meeting with the President of Armenia HE Serge Sargsyan.jpg

Trade agreements, economy and security are the focus of BGIPU Delegation to Armenia

The Delegation to Armenia had the opportunity to meet with prominent figures in the Armenian government and parliament during the programme. Discussions were dominated by the Armenian decision to seek membership of the Eurasian Customs Union and what the ramifications of this might be for the relationship with the EU, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh and the approaching centenary commemorations of the Armenian Genocide.


UK Delegation makes strong contribution to outcomes of the 129th IPU Assembly

The 129th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly took place in Geneva, from 7 to 9 October 2013 and was attended by nearly 1200 participants, including 580 parliamentarians from 131 countries.  Members of the UK delegation played very prominent roles in the proceedings through chairing key committees, presentations to Standing Committees and bilateral exchanges.  The UK’s active role was recognised by BGIPU Chair Robert Walter being elected to the IPU Executive Committee.

On Thursday 12 September, 18.00 in Moncrieff's the BGIPU will be hosting a Charity Pub Quiz.

BGIPU Fundraising: Charity Quiz 12 September

On Thursday 12 September, 18.00 in Moncrieff’s the BGIPU will be hosting a Charity Pub Quiz. The Quiz, which follows the success of a similar event last year, is open to all Members and Staff of both Houses and will raise funds for a street children’s charity in St Louis, Senegal. It will be £5 per person with teams of up to six people – so get a team together to take on the brain-busting questions for a chance a some fabulous (!) prizes and help us to raise some money for a great cause!


BGIPU Charitable Events and Fundraising: Update on Funds raised by the BGIPU Quiz

In October last year the BGIPU held a Pub Quiz, as part of the BGIPU Week of events, hosted by Nigel Evans MP in the House of Commons. The event was well attended by Members and staff of both Houses and the BGIPU team were able to raise funds for the Good Samaritan School in Kampala, Uganda, whom BGIPU Staff and Nigel had visited in March 2012 during the 126th IPU Assembly.

Inter-Parlimentary Union

Visit of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Friendship group with Great Britain of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia to Westminster

A delegation of Parliamentarians from the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia visited the UK Parliament from 12th to 14th March 2013. The Slovenian Members of Parliament Ms Tamara Vonta and Mr Roman Jakič were joined by the Secretary of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Ms Milojka Nemanič. The visit was organised by Neil Parish MP, Chairman of the British-Slovenia All-Party Parliamentary Group, who are affiliated with the British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

BGIPU delegation with Members of the EU Integration and Foreign Affairs committees of the Croatian Sabor .JPG

Ahead of EU accession BGIPU Delegation meets with counterparts in Zagreb

The work of the delegation reflected three connected themes. Firstly, our message of how the European Union stands to benefit from Croatia’s forthcoming membership. Secondly, how Croatia’s economy can now be improved through its 2013 European Union membership as well as through its existing Council of Europe membership. Thirdly, how in 2013 the UK can continue to help Croatia in general, and in particular advise on evolving sound working practices between its government and parliament and Brussels.