Region: Africa

Public meeting with MPs in Mali © CNT

IPU supports citizen engagement to foster reconciliation in Mali

Since 2012, Mali has been experiencing a period of instability and conflict, due to the occupation of the north of the country by armed groups, numerous terrorist attacks and inter-community violence. In addition, in August 2020, following the overthrow of those in power, a transition government and a National Transitional Council (CNT) serving as a […]

On 30 March, BGIPU hosted an African Ambassador Roundtable which was chaired by the Chair of BGIPU, Harriett Baldwin MP. Members received first-hand accounts of political, social and economic developments in Gabon, Ethiopia and Madagascar.

Embassies give update briefings on Gabon, Ethiopia and Madagascar for MPs/Peers

On 30 March, BGIPU hosted an African Ambassador Roundtable which was chaired by the Chair of BGIPU, Harriett Baldwin MP. Members received briefings from HE Sanni Aoudou, Ambassador of Gabon; HE Teferi Melesse Desta, Ambassador of Ethiopia; and Mr Tojonirina Ramarolahy, Chargé d’Affaire to Madagascar. The well attended meeting was an important opportunity for UK […]

Gender equality remains a key strategic objective of the IPU © Eyepix/NurPhoto via AFP

New IPU report: more women in parliament and more countries with gender parity

The global proportion of women parliamentarians has increased by 0.6 percentage points to reach 26.1 per cent according to the IPU’s latest Women in Parliament in 2021 report. This is in line with progress seen in the past two years. The increase can be largely attributed to the critical role played by well-designed quotas. In the 48 countries that […]

The Ambassador explained that the UK intends to support Tunisia’s political reform to maintain and build on the gains won in 2011. Political freedom and democracy remain key political priorities for the UK.

Timely update on Tunisia from UK Ambassador for interested MPs/Peers

On 3 February, BGIPU hosted a virtual briefing with the British Ambassador to Tunisia, HMA Helen Winterton. Damien Moore MP, member of the BGIPU Executive Committee and Chair of the Tunisia APPG, hosted the briefing. Tunisia was initially hailed as a democratic success after the Arab Spring in 2011. However, years of political wrangling revealed […]

The IPU calls for a swift return to constitutional order with respect for the rule of law and democratically elected institutions. 

IPU gravely concerned by reports of military coup in Burkina Faso

The IPU expresses grave concern over reports of a military coup in Burkina Faso with the arrests of President Kabore, the Speaker of Parliament and other government officials as well as news of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The IPU calls for a swift return to constitutional order with respect for the rule of law and democratically elected institutions. Gunfire and violence on […]

Aung San Suu Kyi and Win Myint. © EyePress via AFP

Political instability accounts for record number of persecuted MPs worldwide

The IPU has recorded another all-time high number of parliamentarians suffering from alleged human rights violations according to its annual figures released on the eve of Human Rights Day. The data reveal that at least 673 parliamentarians from 44 countries are under threat, most of them in countries experiencing political instability. The 2021 numbers confirm a consistent increase since 2014 […]


IPU report highlights widespread sexism & violence against women MPs in Africa

A new study by the IPU and the African Parliamentary Union (APU) launched on 23 November 2021 shows that sexism, harassment and violence against women are ubiquitous in parliaments across Africa. This is the second in a series of IPU regional studies, following a 2018 report on European parliaments. The African study reveals: .     80 per cent of […]

The roundtable chaired by Tim Loughton MP allowed MPs and Peers to learn directly from those on the ground about the grave nature of the famine which has been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.

MPs/Peers hear from WFP & HMA on climate-induced famine in Madagascar

On 20 October, BGIPU convened a roundtable in collaboration with WFP on the climate-induced famine in Madagascar. On the panel were four very knowledgeable speakers: Mr David Ashley, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Madagascar; Ms Elisabeth Faure, WFP UK Director; Ms Pasqualina Disirio, WFP Head of Country Delegation; and Mr Arduino Mangoni, WFP’s Head of Programmes […]

The meeting began with discussions concerning the impact of climate change and the road to COP26 as Madagascar faces climate-induced famine after a shortage of rainfall for the last four years.

Key exchange with Madagascar counterparts in advance of COP26

On 20 September 2021, BGIPU hosted a virtual bilateral meeting with Members of the National Assembly in Madagascar. The meeting was chaired by Tim Loughton MP, who had previously led a BGIPU delegation out to Madagascar in 2017. He was joined by Alex Sobel MP, Baroness Sheehan, Baroness Walmsley, Lord Thomas and Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Madagascar, David Ashley. […]