Theme: Peace & Security

The UK delegation led by Rt Hon Ann Clwyd MP meets with the President of Iraq, HE Fuad Massoum.JPG

UK delegation visits Iraq at pivotal time for its future

A UK parliamentary delegation which visited Iraq 13-16 February 2018 saw the country poised at a crossroads in which the upcoming elections will be crucial. The policy approaches and political stability of any government resulting from these elections will be a key determinant in whether a largely positive trajectory on the back of the victory over Daesh will continue. Political stability, addressing corruption and economic/social progress are pre-conditions for the full delivery of the $30 billion pledged recently to rebuild the country. 

APPG Chair John Grogan MP joined the Speaker’s party for the official Opening Ceremony of the XXIII Winter Olympics in PyeongChang

UK MP joins ROK Speaker in PyeongChang on behalf of Korea APPG

On behalf of the Korea APPG, John Grogan MP, joined parliamentarians from other countries as part of the official party accompanying the Speaker of the ROK National Assembly to the Opening Ceremony of the XXIII Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, Republic of Korea.  The opening ceremony drew on many elements of traditional and modern Korean culture which was a powerful statement of Korean identity, consistent with efforts to use the event to take forward peace between the two countries.


IPU-UN Parliamentary Hearing to focus on migration

The United Nations is in the process of negotiating a Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration that will be formally adopted at a conference in Morocco in December.  This year’s IPU-UN Parliamentary Hearing will contribute from a parliamentary perspective to the Global Compact. The Hearing, on 22-23 February in New York, will build on a number of parliamentary debates since the landmark 2015 IPU Declaration on “The imperative for fairer, smarter and more humane migration”.

Lord Dubs with represented of the IPU's joint host, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Meditteraneanen, and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.JPG

MPs commit to promoting fair, smart and humane migration

A conference, co-organized by the IPU with the Parliament of Malta and PAM took place in Valletta, Malta, from 16 to 17 November 2017. It concluded Parliaments can play a vital role in ensuring safe and humane migration through the ratification and effective implementation of international treaties. They can also help to change the negative discourse around migration by putting in place and strengthening legislation against xenophobia and racism and by promoting balanced and empirically sound public debate.

Lords Chamber.JPG

Lords Chamber Event debates international relations

The 2017 House of Lords Chamber Event took place on 1 December 2017. The event saw young people from around the UK as well as members of civic organisations, including the English-Speaking Union, coming together for an intergenerational debate on this topic : What are the challenges for international relations in the 21st Century?  The debate concluded with strong support for the UK continuing to engage with its international partners through regular dialogue and cooperation to achieve a better world for all. 


MPs worldwide call for end of intolerance, mistrust and violence

Parliamentarians from 155 countries have committed to pursuing cultural pluralism and peace through interfaith and inter-ethnic dialogue.  In a declaration issued at the close of the 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly (#IPU137) in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, IPU Member Parliaments have called for transparency, accountability and respect for human rights and the rule of law to serve as the basis for building sustainable and peaceful diversity.

Delegation meet members of Serbia-UK Friendship group in the Serbian National Assembly.JPG

Visit hopes to boost improving relations between UK and Serbia

A UK delegation to Serbia from 1 to 6 October was led by John Whittingdale MP and included Baroness D’Souza, David Drew MP, Baroness Northover and Baroness Barker.  The delegation met a wide range of members of the National Assembly experiencing considerable warmth towards the UK due to historic ties and people to people links.  The major topic underlying almost all our discussions was the declared ambition of Serbia to join the European Union with a target date of 2025 recently announced by the EU.


IPU condemns military lockdown of Maldives Parliament

The IPU condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the military’s interference in the business of the Maldives parliament. The IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong and the IPU President Saber Chowdhury have called for calm and for the Parliament to be allowed to carry out its functions without intimidation. There are also increasing concerns at alleged violations of the rights of opposition MPs. The IPU Secretary General confirmed today that he will bring this matter before the IPU governing bodies at its Assembly in October.


BGIPU Members discuss priorities with UK Ambassadors

Taking advantage of the presence in London of British Ambassadors for the annual FCO Leadership Week, BGIPU arranged roundtable meetings on 12 July 2017 for MPs and Peers to discuss recent developments in key African and Latin American countries on our forward programme. This was a unique opportunity for parliamentarians to engage directly with the UK’s senior diplomatic representatives to receive updates on national priorities, hear recent developments in bilateral engagement and learn more about key regional trends.


World’s MPs to tackle rising economic, political and social inequalities

Taking decisive actions to end economic, political and social inequality will be the focus of deliberations for the more than 650 MPs from 132 countries meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 1-5 April 2017.  Parliamentarians, including 53 Speakers of Parliament, will make concrete proposals on a range of issues, from ending rising inequality to promoting women’s access to financing, during the 136th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) (#IPU136) hosted by the Bangladesh Parliament.